The preprogramed system is deep rooted because it was well set in our physical body.
Our body have the set up system built in and we think that is ourselves. The system is actually us. However life is beyond the system.
"We are the problem and solution." this is how it is.
And I've been experiencing the intricate design of it within myself through my son. The system set up under the relationship between mother and son is rather deeper and harder to grasp, that is what I realized.
OK. I wrote till here, then my son came in so I went to fix him some breakfast and he started the argument.
And now I'm back at my computer.
While I was with him, I was calm but reacted and forgotten all about the support I was thinking about and just protecting my position. In fact, the idea of giving him my support came up clearly only last night when I was writing my diary.
After our talking was over and he went back to his room, I realized that I was selfish and not supportive, so I apologized to him. Practically living life is very different from just thinking.
And I realized now that interacting with people especially family members is so effective to see myself.
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